Friday, September 9, 2011

I have an announcement!

I didn't know if this day would ever come.  
But, it has!
I have an exciting surprise to share with you guys.  Okay.  Ready?

Are you sure?

Okay!  I'll tell you!  

I have decided to make a separate blog for my lifestyle/fashion interests.  
I am SO incredibly excited about this decision, and I just couldn't wait to share it with all of you!  I have always mixed all of my blogging topics together.  But, I'm so proud to announce that I have gotten to a point in my life where I don't really have too many things to get off my chest about my recovery.  
Simply, I have grown.  I've changed so much over the past year, for the better.  And seeing my own maturation and recovery happening is incredible.  I went from being a lost girl, struggling with extreme issues with food and body image, to a girl who loves and embraces her body.  What I thought was an absolute impossibility actually came true!

This is why I'm creating a new blog- to celebrate the separation of my LIFE from my ED issues   (since they are very minor now).

I really hope that many of you will continue to take an interest in my blogging, and will follow my new blog.  I whole-heartedly love and appreciate all of the connections that I've made through TriumphantYasi.  You are all marvelous and perfect, and you have been one of my most important tools in recovery.  Thank you, for everything that you've done.  I love you.  I will still blog on TriumphantYasi, but I cannot guarantee the frequency.

That being said, stay tuned for more info and my new website! 

Sending you lots of love for the weekend,


  1. So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't wait to see your new website!!! <3 XXX

  2. That is wonderful! I dream of the day I separate my life from ED issues. You should be very proud of yourself!


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