After a week and a half hiatus, I'm back! This is going to be long post, but that's because I have so much to write about! Above is a picture from graduation (I'm on the left). I just had to post a picture because yes, we bedazzled our hats. I am 25 years old and I spelled out 2010 with rhinestones on my Master's degree cap... SO COOL!! Haha. =D
The past 2 weeks were a blur and passed so quickly. My mom came in last week on Tuesday and we had a ton of wedding stuff to take care of. My dad came in on Thursday, and then there was graduation on Friday. To say that we did a lot would a massive understatement. I feel like the entire week was spent driving from one place to another to get things done for the wedding. I had my 2nd hair trial and my hair turned out FABULOUSLY!! I had my first wedding dress fitting and that went really well (I'm turning my dress from an a-line to a mermaid). Best of all, my mom and dad were there for the whole thing, so it was really cool. Also, we went to try on the dress after my hair appointment and this time everything from the shoes to the dress style to the hair to the jewelry matched! (My 1st hair trial hairstyle did not match my dress at all and I was worried)
My dad also got fitted for his tux and we checked out the church and the reception place-- they loved it. And my mom and I did LOTS of shopping. I think if there was a record for how long 2 people could shop we would break it. We were literally out for 2 or 3 days from morning until the mall closed, shopping. It's our favorite activity to do together and WE.ARE.GOOD. I'm not kidding. We find amazing clothes for great prices, and we have similar taste. Anywho, along with a ton of other clothes she bought me (Thanks Mom!), I bought 2 dresses for the showers and parties that will be coming up. One of the dresses is this uber chic and sexy royal blue dress. I am not kidding when I tell you that this dress is KILLER. I can't describe it, so here is a pic of it: (Disclaimer, the reason that I chop my head of in pix is b/c I'm a little paranoid about pix of me out in the internets since this is a public site. And yes, I know my profile pic is still there. Haha =P)
Isn't this dress freaking AH-MAZING?! P.S. NOT the shoes I will be wearing with the dress.
Graduation was great (but boooring), and on Saturday my parents took us all (parents, me + J, their best friends & their kids, and J's parents and brother) out to eat at a great restaurant. The place was packed because of all of the proms and graduations-- I had to make the reservation 2 months ago! Dinner was filled with great conversation and delicious food. Oh and I got a massive amount of presents- yeah, no biggie. Just kidding! I was really surprised and it was AWESOME!
So let me tell you about the food issues I encountered over the week of graduation. I knew that the week was going to be filled with a lot of food, a lot of going out to eat, and a lot of dessert. When Persians celebrate, we eat. A LOT. And we always have cake or sweets, as if the huge dish of food you ate would not get digested unless there was a slice of cake on top of it. Going into the week I had promised myself that I wouldn't give in to the temptations of eating what other people were eating and eating desserts every night, because I had been eating so 'clean' the past few weeks. It took about 1 day to realize that resistance was futile. So I ate right along with everybody. I went out to chinese, I had Persian food that my mom's best friend had cooked, I had sushi, I had more Persian food, I had steak, I had cake, and biscotti, and more cake, and chocolate covered pretzels, and much more I'm sure. Point being, I ate what was offered if I was hungry, BUT I didn't binge. I never went to bed feeling like crap. And *gasp*, I ate like a normal person. I gotta tell ya, it was freaking liberating. But I can't lie, every time I thought about what I was eating I felt food guilt, but I let it pass. And I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to gain 5 pounds overnight and that weeks like this aren't how I eat all the time, so I'm ok to be doing so for a week.
And now, a week after it's all over I have gotten back into my own eating groove again. But I'm not being as strict as I was being before. I was so scared that I would look chubby-faced in my graduation pictures that I had cut out all sweets and snacks for the most part. But in the past week I've had sweets a couple of times. I had a biscotti when I was starving at the mall on Wednesday and I had Ben & Jerry's half-baked ice cream last night. But maybe I needed to flush my system of the sugar addiction when I did. Because right now, I don't crave sweets and crappy food all the time, and it's most likely because I cut myself off for a few weeks. Oh and just to let you know, I didn't look chubby faced in my graduation pix =) My face looked a bit 'healthier' than the last time I had grad pix (3 years ago), but then again, I am 3 years older, and I'm not supposed to look the same my whole life. And that's another big thing for me: I always look at older pictures of myself and compare me-now to me-then. This is honestly the WORST thing to do. Because 3 years ago I was 106 pounds, and I was barely ever eating normally. So, duh, I'm gonna look different. I have to realize that it's ok to look different. My body and face are going to change a lot in my lifetime and I'm going to have to be ok with that. I'm going to have to embrace the changes.
On another note, I haven't been to the gym in about a week and a half! Which is the longest I've gone without going to the gym since, like, January. Hopefully today I will be going back!
Well I hope you enjoyed my super long post. So tell me, what interesting/new things developed with you while I was gone?
Your post reminded me of a thought I had while on my honeymoon...we went for 2 weeks to New Zealand. We did nothing but eat A TON of great food, drank a lot of good wine, and maybe went on a hike or two.
ReplyDeleteI thought for sure I would gain at least 5 pounds. Came back, and weighed myself at the gym. I was slightly disappointed...I LOST weight. How the heck had that happened?
Point being, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :) It's nice to spoil yourself for a week or two.
Wow that's a win-win for you!!
ReplyDeleteYeah I don't know if I gained weight or not. But probably not because all my clothes fit the same. I stopped weighing myself a month ago because it was seriously messing with my head.